Users guide for STABLE 4.0.xx (for Windows, 12 July 2006) John P. Nolan Math/Stat Department American University Washington, DC 20016 USA e-mail: voice: 202.885.3140 The program calculates the density (pdf), cumulative distribution function (cdf), and quantiles for a general stable distribution. These routines are based on the formulas in "Numerical calculation of stable densities and distribution functions", J. P. Nolan, Commun. Statist.-Stochastic Models, 13(4), 759-774 (1997). Also included is a version of Chambers, Mallows and Stuck's algorithm to generate stable random variates. It also performs maximum likelihood estimation of stable parameters and some exploratory data analysis techniques for assessing the fit of a data set. This work is described in the paper "Maximum likelihood estimation of stable parameters", J. P. Nolan, in the book Levy Processes, Ed. by Barndorff-Nielsen, Mikosch and Resnick, Birkhauser, 2001 (currently on my webpage). Version 3.03 incorporates all previous changes, in particular the significantly increased accuracy from version 2.11 of the calculations. Computations are now accurate for 0.2 <= alpha <= 2.0. (Below alpha = 0.2, the granularitiy of double precision numbers becomes a problem.) Version 3.03 includes numerous internal changes, the main visible ones are: - improved output formatting - 95% confidence intervals are given for maximum likelihood estimates of stable parameters - improved error handling/reporting. The emphasis is on detecting and reporting errors, not error correction or detailed explanations. If something doesn't make sense, please contact me by e-mail. - numerical computation of g(x)=-f'(x)/f(x), the score function for the location parameter, also called the "nonlinear" function in signal processing. Included in the program is code to quickly approximate stable densities. This routine is much faster than the regular density calculations: approximately 1 million density evaluations/second can be performed on a 1 GHz Pentium. This allows maximum likelihood estimation of all 4 stable parameters in less than a second for data sets having thousands of points. Error detection and handling has been improved in the core routines, but the driver routine does not do careful checking - you can still crash the program with bad input. Note that STABLE uses exact formulas whenever they are available, e.g. the Gaussian (alpha=2), Cauchy (alpha=1, beta=0) and Levy (alpha=1/2,beta=1 or -1) cases. This version of STABLE also has a loop in it to slow it down and discourage commercial use of this free software. Parameter meanings ------------------ Stable distributions are described by 4 parameters, which the program calls: alpha = index of stability, in the range (0,2] beta = skewness, in the range [-1,1] gamma = scale, in the range (0,infinity) delta = location, in the range (-infinity,+infinity) In previous versions of this program, gamma was called sigma and delta was called mu. Non-mathematical users were invariably confused between these parameters and the mean and standard deviation (the standard deviation exists only when alpha=2, in which case it is NOT gamma, the mean exists only when alpha >1, in which case it will agree with delta only in the 1-parameterization, see below). Giving them different names may minimize such problems. There are different meanings for these parameters, depending on what notation you are using. The program STABLE has 4 parameterizations built into the program: 0. "S0" parameterization: based on the (M) representation of Zolotarev for an alpha stable distribution with skewness beta. Unlike the Zolotarev (M) parameterization, gamma and delta are straightforward scale and shift parameters. This representation is continuous in all 4 parameters, and gives an intuitive meaning to gamma and delta that is lacking in other parameterizations. 1. "S" or "S1" parameterization: the parameterization used by Samorodnitsky and Taqqu in the book Stable Non-Gaussian Random Processes. It is a slight modification of Zolotarev's (A) parameterization. The S0 and S1 parameterization agree in the symmetric case (beta=0), but differ by a shift in the nonsymmetric case. 2. "S*" or "S2" parameterization: a modification of the S0 parameterization which is defined so that - the scale gamma agrees with the Gaussian scale (standard dev.) when alpha=2 and the Cauchy scale when alpha=1. - the mode is exactly at delta. 3. "S3" parameterization: an internal parameterization. The scale is the same as the S2 parameterization, the shift is -beta*g(alpha), where g(alpha) is defined in the paper just below. The paper "Parameterizations and modes of stable distributions", Statistics and Probability Letters, 38, 187-195 (1998) describes the S0, S1 and S2 parameterizations. All computations are done in the S0 parameterization, which is better suited to numerical calculations and modeling data than the standard representations. Unless you have a specific reason to use a different parameterization, I suggest that you use the S0 one. Conversions are done if you request a different parameterization. What do you need? ----------------- STABLE runs on a PC type computer under Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP. The program is written in Digital/Compaq Visual Fortran. To run the program, you need the file STABLE.EXE While you can run the program from a floppy disk, you will get faster results if you copy the program to a hard disk and execute from there. Start the program from "Run" on the "Start" menu by using "Browse" to locate STABLE.EXE in the appropriate directory. Or from a DOS prompt, cd to the directory where the program is and type STABLE. You will be asked to select what you want to do: calculate densities, cumulative distribution functions, etc. After that, you will be prompted for various values, e.g. range of parameters alpha, beta, gamma and delta, and the range of x values. Most prompts are straightforward. All output is written to the file STABLE.OUT in the current directory. The program allows you to specify a range of parameter values, say vary alpha from 0.5 to 1.5 through steps of 0.25, beta through -1 to 1 through steps of 0.5 and x from -5 to 5 through steps of 0.1. When graphing output, the program does not pause after each graph (unlike earlier versions of STABLE). When all graphs are presented, you will hear a beep. Press the enter key once, and you will return to the program prompt. The graphics were developed on a SVGA monitor and may not work on other hardware. The graphing routines are not intended to do high quality graphics, only to visualize densities and distribution functions quickly. If you want better quality graphics, write the output to a file and run your preferred graphics program on that data file. The vertical scaling on the graph is done automatically in a way that guarantees there will be no overflow, but may not show your results clearly if you are far from the mode. SAMPLE RUNS ----------- 1. Computing stable densities. The following shows how to compute the density for a stable distribution with alpha=1.2 and beta ranging through -1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, and 1 and the output is graphed on the screen. Select 1 for pdf calculations 2 for cdf calculations 3 for quantile calculations 4 for generating stable random variates 5 for setting internal tolerances for the calculations 6 for comparison of quick pdf and pdf calculations 7 for fitting a sample with stable parameters 8 for computing -f'/f Enter choice: 1 Enter parameterization: 0 for S0, 1 for S, 2 for S* : 0 Enter first alpha, last alpha and alpha stepsize: 1.2 1.2 0 Enter first beta, last beta and beta stepsize: -1 1 0.5 Enter first x, last x and x stepsize: -5 5 0.1 Enter gamma and delta: 1 0 Output destination (0=graph,1=screen,2=write to file): 0 (graphs appear on the screen, pausing for you to press the enter key at the end.) The program loops back to the first question. Enter end-of-file (CTRL-Z on a PC) to stop gracefully. Note that you can choose a sequence of alpha and beta values, e.g. Enter first alpha, last alpha and alpha stepsize: 1.2 1.6 .2 will use alpha=1.2, alpha=1.4 and alpha=1.6. If you only want a single value, do as in the example above. If you want to produce a good graph for inclusion in a paper, you will have to write the output to a file (choice 2 to the last question/prompt), and read that output into a program that produces graphs - Excel, R, matlab, Mathematica, etc. 2. Computing stable cumulative d.f. is similar to 1. 3. Computing stable quantiles is similar to 1. Quantile computations are slow because a numerical search for each quantile is performed by repeated evaluation of the cdf. 4. Generating stable random variables The first prompt asks for the parameterization you want to use. Then you are prompted for n = # of values to generate iseed = starting seed for the random number generator. A value of -1 uses a random seed, any other value will generate a sequence that can be regenerated later by specifying the same seed alpha = index of stability beta = skewness gamma = scale parameter (meaning depends on parameterization) delta = location parameter (meaning depends on parameterization) For example, entering 1000 -1 1.4 0 1 0 will generate 1000 standardized symmetric alpha=1.4 stable variates. Values are generated using the Chambers, Mallows and Stuck algorithm (corrected) and transformed to the desired parameterization. As always, the output goes to the file STABLE.OUT, where it can be edited for other use (e.g. to test parameter estimation). 5. Setting internal tolerances. Experienced users may want to change tolerances used by STABLE. This choice shows the internal values used by STABLE and allows you to change them. You can speed up the programs by altering these values, but you will generally lose accuracy. The program starts with tolerance values that attempt to get close to full double precision accuracy in the numerical evaluations of the integrals involved in the program. This means calculations will be slower, but highly accurate. The exact meanings of each tolerance are given in the technical documentation. The main use of this feature was to speed up likelihood calculations. Now that there is an interpolation routine to compute densities and likelihoods quickly, there is little reason for an average user to change these values. WARNING: the tolerances control only the accuracy of the integral evaluation in the program. In certain cases of cdf evaluation, the value of the computed integral is added or subtracted from a constant and subtractive cancelation can lower the accuracy of the final result. See Theorem 1 in the "Numerical calculation of stable..." paper cited above for when this occurs. 6. Comparing pdf and quick pdf calculations This option allows you to compare the density values computed by the integral representation to the one computed by the interpolation. At the cost of a large array of coefficients, the interpolation is highly accurate over most values of the parameter space. This part of the program lets you compare the two calculations to detect any problems in the interpolation scheme. Note that the interpolation program is limited to alpha > 0.4. Near the boundary of the parameter space (beta +1/-1, alpha very close to 2, x on the tail of a highly skewed distribution), the interpolation can be inaccurate. See note 6 at bottom. 7. Fitting a sample with a stable distribution You will first be asked to supply the file name of the input file. (If the file is not in the working directory, you will need to specify its complete filename, including directory.) The program reads one value per line from the input file in plain ascii text format. Because of the way Visual Fortran reads free form input, the last data value should be followed by a carriage return. Without this return, STABLE will miss the last data value. NOTE: the data should be one column of values, containing only the numeric values you want to analyze. Coded files from Excel, SAS, etc. will not work - use only plain ascii. All output is displayed on both the screen and the output file, so you do not have to copy results from the screen. Some descriptive statistics will be displayed and you will be prompted for what kind of fit you want. The options are maximum likelihood fit, quantile fit of McCulloch, sample characteristic method of Koutrovelis-Kogon-Williams, user supplied parameters, and normal fit. We will focus on the maximum likelihood fit, the others are straightforward. After choosing maximum likelihood fit, you will be asked if you want to take all defaults and do a fast search. Normally, you would type "Y" and the parameters are estimated for you automatically. If you do not type "Y", a series of questions are asked. First, you are asked what method you want to use. Normally you should choose option 3: approximate gradient search with QKSPDF. This is the fastest method and simulation studies (technical report in preparation) show it is highly accurate. If you end up with a fit that is near a boundary of the parameter space, you may want to recompute the estimates using the slower direct search or possibly even the direct search with (slow) pdf calculations. See note 6 at bottom for more information. After selecting the method, the quantile estimates are computed to use as an initial estimate of the parameters. You will then be prompted for the bounds of the four parameters (alpha, beta, gamma and delta) in the search. General limits are given in parenthesis at each prompt. The safest thing is to use these bounds, but if you know a priori that you want to restrict the bounds, you may do so. If you do restrict the range and the resulting parameter estimates are near the boundary you specify, you should rerun your search with wider bounds to see if the new search goes outside your original bounds. If you want to restrict some parameter to be a specified value, say beta=0 because you believe you have a symmetric stable, you cannot just enter upper and lower bounds of 0. The search routine will not work correctly with any parameter interval having zero width. You can trick the search routine by using distinct values for the bounds like -.001 and +0.001, which will make little practical difference. Note: if alpha < 0.4, the quick pdf routine will not work and the (regular/slow) pdf routine becomes unreliable. The program will then numerically maximize the likelihood using the method you selected. For default (method 3), this takes a few seconds for a data set of size 1,000. (Method 1 takes several times as long, methods 2 and 3 may take hours.) The resulting parameter values are then displayed on the screen in all 3 parameterizations. The program prints out the half width of 95% confidence intervals, e. g. the term printed is the amount to add and subtract from each parameter estimate to obtain the confidence interval. Then you will be asked if you want to run some exploratory data analysis to assess the stable fit. Answer "Y" for yes and you will be prompted for values. Again, results are written on the output file STABLE.OUT for later reference. The diagnostics are: - standard and variance-stabilized (thinned) PP plots - standard (thinned) QQ plots with pointwise confidence bounds - smoothed data density vs. fitted density Thinning the PP and QQ plots uses fewer plot points than data points if the data set is large. The program allows a maximum of 1000 plot points. PP plots take a few seconds, QQ plots can take a while because of the way stable quantiles are computed (see 3. above). Very large data sets will also take a while to compute smoothed data densities. 8. Computing g(x) = -f'(x)/f(x). This function is called "the nonlinear function" in signal processing. It has an explicit form for the Gaussian case (g(x)=x), Cauchy case (g(x)=2x/(1+x^2) and in the Levy case (alpha=1/2,beta=1, g(x)= (1-3x)exp(-1/x)/(2x^5)), where the standardized densities are used (gamma=1,delta=0) and the S1 parameterization is used in the Levy case. In all other cases, the function is computed numerically. The program will prompt you for a range for alpha, a range for beta, and then a grid of x-values. It assumes scale gamma=1 and location delta=0, and uses the S0 parameterization. It actually computes g numerically in all cases, so the three cases mentioned above give a check on the numerical accuracy of the calculations. STABLEC.EXE This is a console version of STABLE that has no graphics in it. It also runs under Windows 95, 98, 2000. It reads from stdin and writes prompts and input error messages to stdout, with normal program output going to the file stable.out. The easiest way to run it is to put your commands/choices in an ascii file, say test.dat. Then run STABLEC from a DOS prompt with input coming from that file: stablec < test.dat Note that the program reads exactly as STABLE does. In particular, if STABLE expects input on separate lines, then you must enter the values onto separate lines in your input file. If you are confused, run STABLE once and record exactly what values go on what input lines. If you want to hide the prompts, redirect stdout also: stablec < test.dat > test.junk Note that input error messages are written to stdout, so if you redirect it as above, you will have to look at the file test.junk to see error messages. BUGS AND LIMITATIONS: 1. When 0 < |alpha-1| < 0.005, the program has numerical problems evaluating the pdf and cdf. The current version of the program sets alpha=1 in these cases. This approximation is not bad in the S0 parameterization. 2. When alpha=1 and |beta| < 0.005, the program has numerical problems. The current version sets beta=0. 3. When alpha < 0.2, the program does not work well. The densities and cdf vary very quickly in this case. For example, when alpha=0.1 and beta=1, the density is zero for x < tan(pi*0.1/2)=-0.15838; climbs abruptly to reach a maximum of approximately 1.0E6 at around x=-0.158285, and then drops very quickly to very small values. 4. The current driver program allows 10001 x-values, and 20 values of alpha and beta. If you need to, break your range into pieces, run the program on each subrange, write output to several files, and then concatenate your files. 5. The user interface is simple and little error checking is done. Typing errors may lead to the program exiting. Misspecified ranges may lead to infinite loops. 6. Problems near boundaries of the parameter space. While alpha can be any positive number, small values of alpha specify distributions that are very unusual. For alpha < 0.4, you may have to tinker with some of the internal tolerances to get reliable results. For alpha < .1, you cannot get reliable results from the current code. Also, when beta is near 1 or -1, there are some problems. The approximation to the density is inaccurate for |beta| > 0.99. The current version of the program interpolates for 0.99 < |beta| <= 1. A side effect of this is that the maximum likelihood fitting routines will always yield a value of alpha and beta at a grid point. Specifically, alpha will be in the set {0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9,1,1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4, 1.5,1.6,1.7,1.8,1.9,1.95,2} and beta will be in {0.99,1} (or {-1,-0.99}). If you run into this problem, you should rerun your search with the (much slower) method using PDF, not the approximation QKSPDF. 7. On the tails, there are sometimes problems. For example, when alpha=.9, beta=1, gamma=1, delta=0, x=2, the pdf calculations fail to give accurate results. While positive, the value of the density at that point is less than 1.0e-14, which is around machine precision for double precision. Both the pdf and cdf calculations can be unreliable in these cases. To the best of my knowledge, this only happens when the result is less than 1.0e-14. 8. The program works on standardized z=(x-delta)/gamma in the S0 parameterization. When |z-beta*tan(pi*alpha/2)| is small, the computations of the density and cumulative have numerical problems. (See the formulas for computations in the paper referenced above for details.) The program works around this by setting z = beta*tan(pi*alpha/2) when |z-beta*tan(pi*alpha/2)| < tol(5)*alpha**(1/alpha). (The bound on the right is ad hoc, to get reasonable behavior when alpha is small). You can set tol(5) to any number by changing tolerances as described above, though you may get unreliable results or program errors. ................ Please report problems and bugs to me at the address given at the top of this document.